吾艺传媒网 > 资讯 > 展讯 > “小眼睛大世界”沈敬东2020南京个展
    • 展览海报
    • 《梵高先生》 沈敬东 80x60cm 2020年
    • 《百家姓》 沈敬东 50x40cm 2020年
    • 《萌娃系列》 沈敬东 60x50cm 2019年
    • 《受伤的兔子》 沈敬东 57x77cm 2018年 丝网版画
    • 《小王子与玫瑰》 沈敬东 58x77cm 2015年 丝网版画
    • 《重画英雄01》 沈敬东 80x100cm 2020年
    • 《重画英雄02》 沈敬东 80x100cm 2020年

    展览时间:2020-08-01 - 2020-09-30

    开幕时间:2020-08-01 14:30:00



    主办单位:XSPACE艺术空间 XSPACE Gallery

    协办单位:树艺文化 Tree Art


    策展人员:沈岑 ShenCen、蒋晓岚 XiaolanJiang

    展览备注:2020-08-01 14:30


    展览备注:出品人|Publisher: 唐莉 TangLi

    展览总监|Exhibition Director: 蒋晓岚 XiaolanJiang

    艺术总监|Artistic Director: 杜万万 WanwanDu

    策展助理|Exhibition Assistant: 张立超 LichaoZhang

    雕塑艺术家|Sculpture Artist: 王凯 WangKai 杜万万 WanwanDu 唐莉 TangLi





    ShenJingdong is an outstanding contemporary artist from Nanjing, Jiangsu China. Through new forms and expressive colors he created a series of works titled Little Prince, Soldier, News Broadcast and Animal, which have been widely praised around the world.

    He enjoyed painting when he was young and was strongly influenced by hisfather. After graduating from junior high school he enrolled in Nanjing Xiaozhuang Normal University, which was created by Mr TaoXingzhi, and attended art classes at the school for three years. He worked as an elementary art teacher for three years after his graduation. His contact with children and children's education influenced his future artistic creations.he was then admitted to Nanjing Art Institute which was founded by Mr. Liu Haisu. His study of engraving has further improved his ability to summarize art and techniques of expression. After he graduated, he engaged in stage artfor 18 years in the famous Front-line Art Troupe of the Nanjing Military Area Command. The variety of soldiers' experiences and stageart applications provided a rich background for his art experience.

    Most of his works are presented as cartoon portraits with small eyes. If you look carefully, you will see that these images have a spiritual likeness to him. However, the small eyes in the paintings have be comea classic symbolic language of himself.

    Nowadays,he holds art exhibitions all over the world and takes these works with small eyes to look at the big world. For him, creativity is toconstantly have new changes and new content in subject and form, to make his painting more and more plentiful, interesting and free, much like himself. As a humorous observer he wants to portray society andreal life through his own personal perspective.his art not only adds a brilliant color to this era, but more importantly extends anoptimistic spiritual dimension to Chinese contemporary art.





    关键词: 小眼睛大世界 沈敬东 南京 沈岑 XSPACE艺术空间